
Tuesday, 25 October 2011

15 weeks 1 day - Twin Pregnancy

15 weeks

Just a small update with 15 week bump picture. Even my uterus has crept just above my tummy button in just a few days or so (feel it every morning) . Babies kicking lovely and feel them at least 2/3 times a day which is really reassuring!

We decided to use the holidays to tidy (among take the girls certain places etc) as it's just totally got on top of me... well us and we need to sort it out as it's driving me insane!
So toy sorting and cleaning the house being the main things to do........(I still haven't managed to put dusting into my routine however.......... I don't dust).
It's getting done bit by bit and just helps have a clearer head, until we have the next lot of mess, but oh well!


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