
Monday, 2 January 2012

25 weeks - Twin Pregnancy Blog - Whinge

25 weeks

Well I feel massive already. Measuring 30 weeks and feeling slightly fed up.

My stomach and ribs constantly feel sore, I'm burping a lot and to top it off the worst heartburn I have ever experienced. I am sure this is because little miss has her head wedged up there somewhere and as she and her brother are squashed together it is only going to make it feel worse............ poor organs.

They are both wriggling a lot and pressing on my bladder, I am weeing a lot but thank fully haven't needed to in the night yet.

I am looking at buying a pregnancy support belt, I have read how helpful the can be so I think it's worth a go! Will update when I get it.

Oh on a positive note I found a weight chart that was based on average weights in singleton pregnancies. Little man and little miss are around the average for a singleton's development so I am even more pleased! :)

Here is a link and a copy of the chart.

Gestational Age Weight (gm) Weight (lb/oz)

8 weeks 1.0 gm 0.035 oz
9 weeks 3.0 gm 0.11 oz
10 weeks 5.0 gm 0.18 oz
11 weeks 12.5 gm 0.44 oz
12 weeks 20 gm 0.7 oz
13 weeks 40 gm 1.4 oz
14 weeks 60 gm 2.1 oz
15 weeks 90 gm 3.2 oz
16 weeks 120 gm 4.2 oz
17 weeks 170 gm 6.0 oz
18 weeks 220 gm 7.75 oz
19 weeks 275 gm 9.7 oz
20 weeks 330 gm 11.6 oz
21 weeks 395.5 gm 13.9 oz
22 weeks 460 gm 1 lb
23 weeks 555 gm 1 lb 3 oz
24 weeks 655 gm 1 lb 7 oz
25 weeks 750 gm 1 lb 10 oz
26 weeks 850 gm 1 lb 14 oz
27 weeks 975 gm 2 lb 2 oz
28 weeks 1100 gm 2 lb 7 oz
29 weeks 1260 gm 2 lb 12 oz
30 weeks 1420 gm 3 lb 2 oz
31 weeks 1585 gm 3 lb 7 oz
32 weeks 1750 gm 3 lb 14 oz
33 weeks 1915 gm 4 lb 3 oz
34 weeks 2080 gm 4 lb 9 oz
35 weeks 2250 gm 4 lb 15 oz
36 weeks 2420 gm 5 lb 5 oz
37 weeks 2660 gm 5 lb 14 oz
38 weeks 2900 gm 6 lb 6 oz
39 weeks 3075 gm 6 lb 12 oz
40 weeks 3250 gm 7 lb 2 oz

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