
Tuesday, 7 February 2012

30 weeks pregnant with Twins

30 weeks

I'm feeling quite good at the moment and seem to have some energy from somewhere! I guess my nesting instincts have kicked in and now I'm on a mission to get everything ready in the house and start preparing for their birth!

Still having moments of real anxiety about birth, mainly at how immensely painful it is at the end and just the 'unknown' of how it's going to go (I'm a control freak). I really need to let this go before birth as I'm worried how it will impact it. So I've been looking at getting a Hypnotherapy CD. Hopefully this will take my focus away from the anxiety and come birth day I will be cool as a cucumber!

I've been looking into ways of relieving the afterbirth pains, this is also something that is playing on my mind. I was in complete shock after I birthed Charlotte and they started straight after, I remember asking what was going on and why I was still getting contractions?!! "It's afterbirth pains my dear" It was very painful and even more so when breastfeeding. I used Mag phos (from the helios childbirth kit) and I felt it helped and managed on Paracetamol for one night (the pains lasted around 3 days). I've had a look around to see if there is anything else and Motherwort kept cropping up so I'm going to look into trying that this time as I have a feeling if I'm going to get them again they are going to be worse considering the extra stretching my wombs had to do (and still doing!).

Well I have a bedroom to gut now so will update again soon :)


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