I started a blog back in 2008 when pregnant with my second child, but after so much going on around that time I just couldn't focus on it. So here I am again pregnant and starting a blog again!
I am currently 10 weeks and 4 days pregnant.
We didn't find out I was pregnant with twins until around 7 weeks, I had a scan prior to this at 5 weeks due to bleeding and one sac and yolk was seen. The sonographer said it was too early to see much else and I was to come back in two weeks time.
From that day I had the most awful sickness, greasy skin, hair and spots. I was absolutely shattered and so bloated. Having had a very easy pregnancy with both girls (barely any sickness, skin looked amazing and felt healthy!) this was quite a shock.
I then had it in my mind that maybe I was carrying a boy? Maybe this is why I feel so rough.
As the week passed I started feeling worse, food became unappealing and the nausea was nothing like I have ever experienced before. Almost like I was on a boat and it was coming in waves.
I had no reason to suspect I was carrying twins, it never entered my head that I could be.
Finally It was the day for the scan. I went to our local EPU (early pregnancy unit) and got seated in a little room........... waiting........... feeling sick and just hoping that everything was alright with the pregnancy.
The midwife/nurse came in and said that I didn't look too peachy......... well no I certainly didn't feel it! She went though my notes, told me I was having another transvaginal scan (looks like a dildo he he) and that I would be going through in a little while.
Off she went and there was me sat armed with ginger biscuits in hope it would curb the sick feelings just enough so I didn't feel like I was going to vomit during the scan.
She came back and took me over to the sonographer.
Told to take off my bottoms, get on the bed and put my feet in the stirrups. This then reminded me how undignified your life becomes when you are pregnant!
She begins the scan and as she does I eagerly watch her facial expressions thinking and worrying that shes going to say "sorry but you have miscarried"
What feels like a lifetime she says "Well everything looks fine but there are two here"
I then had a rush of adrenaline and felt in total shock, my first words were "Oh my fu**ing god!"
She said that she just wanted to check my ovaries but everything looked good and the babies looked like they were progressing well. I was still in shock and just kept saying Oh my god........ oh my god... oh my god.
The sonographer gave me a picture so that OH wouldn't think I was fibbing and after a little talk about bleeding and making sure I rest I was on my merry way.
This is the scan picture 7w 3days
After telling family and friends it still didn't feel real, even now at 10 weeks it's still sinking in.
Since that scan I had another at 9 weeks due to a bleed, but both were fine and growing well.
I am apparently having Fraternal twins (ovulated twice) as they have a separate sac and placenta.
Since the second scan I bought an angelsounds doppler as the spotting I was getting was making me worry and thought it would help ease that. I found one of the heartbeats just after 8 weeks and found them both at gone 9.
Now at 10 weeks I am able to be certain its both (and not the echo of one) as they are on either side below my tummy button.
I made a recording of them
I listen to them everyday and it helps give that peace of mind.
I am also looking very pregnant and my uterus is already a few inches below my tummy button. Sickness is still there and I am still sick most mornings, I hope this goes by the magic 2nd trimester when I apparently bloom!
10weeks 5days uterus just a few inches below tummy button

I am pretty sure I have felt slight flutters too, as my uterus is high up already I think I can discount it being 'bowel movement' and having had two children already who I felt early in tri 2 I really think I can feel them already!
The cravings haven't been to obvious until now and all I want is fatty foods, chicken and roast dinner. I am yet to curb the roast dinner one, I have been gagging for a roast dinner for WEEKS!
So today I am making it my mission to do it and an apple crumble to top it off! :) (of course Olivia is extremely happy at the thought of apple crumble which I haven't made in months!)
Will update again on Monday when I am 11 weeks!
Natasha x
Hi there! I wanted to let you know that there is someone taking content from your blog and posting it as their own, including pictures. I noticed it when their post about having twins was word for word what you have written and that this person posted the same pregnancy photos you have. You can find it here: http://www.twinpossiblexoxo.blogspot.co.uk/2012/12/twin-pregnancy-10-weeks-2-days.html
ReplyDeleteJust thought I would let you know because I know I would be really pissed off if someone copied my blog.