Saturday 28 January 2012

Birth Anxiety

I can't stop thinking about the birth and how close I'm getting to the end already.
I'm 29 weeks tomorrow and potentially (having given birth to DD1 at 39 weeks and DD2 at 37 weeks on the dot), I'm quite likely to give birth around 37-39 but I'm swinging more 37 as I'm carrying twins and just don't see how my body will manage to get any further than that (but it could surprise me I guess!). So with that in mind I have 8 weeks left and it's making me feel a bit scared to be honest about birthing two babies.

I remember this pre birth anxiety with Charlotte (DD2) and when I went into labour the fear/anxiety went straight away and I sort of let go of it and was able to focus throughout, and had a lovely quick home water birth. I'm sure it's only natural to feel like this. I didn't get the birth anxiety with Olivia, I was quite naive I think but now I know what I'm about to do and having to do it with two babies is very daunting!

This feeling has only really started recently, but I think it's not helped by the fact that I'm not organised at all and haven't really got much 'ready' for them or myself.
So this will be my focus until 37 weeks when they can come (they will stay!).

Oo I forgot about the mother-ease wraps, will try and do that on Mon with new bump pic :)


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